I wish I could ever be it all !!!
Sorry to say that I am afraid you may feel that I am advertising myself. But I cant resist this request from one of my colleagues. So, this time, please be happy with this guest posting by Erich Beer from South Africa. Here goes what he has got to say in his own words... My friend Jabir This guest post is at my request. The topic was unprompted. I first met Jabir during exam invigilation at the end of the first semester. I was recovering from an illness at the time and feeling really weak. I had to sit down several times during the two hours of the invigilation. Jabir and I exchanged a few bits of conversation during the two hours. When we departed he asked me for my email address and gave me his. He said: Remember, my name is Jabir. I emailed him almost straightaway to give him some information he had asked for. However, for me it wasn't primarily about the information - I was hoping I would get to know him better. I instinctively knew there was something very spec...