Thank You Sir ... Happier Were Those Days

Happy memories can heal.Strangely, sometimes of a thing that can cause a bleeding wound.A word before I tell you what I wanted to. This photo was shot this evening as it caught my eyes in a traditional market, popularly known as Tuesday Market in Abha. It opens all days but for their big day is Thursday.The Arabic word for this decorative object is Jambiya .The one in the frame is a wooden model displayed in front of a honey vendor.This stall sells honeycomb too, interestingly. It did bring all the memories back again.You are less likely to forget that. Don’t worry though. I can take you for a walk.A lovely piece of accessory you gifted me the day before I left for Saudi Arabia. It was a beautiful keychain holding a small replica of a silver-colored-knife, the kind that traditional Arab tribesmen wear on their waist belt. I hadn't thought of it in years, nor could I even remember where I had left it when I was in a h...