Better Buy a Ball of Butter

My mom never made cheese. She never knew what it was like. But she did make a lot of butter and ghee from the milk leftover after we had supplied the neighborhood. Free home delivery was our responsibility. We kids did it well without causing any concern for customer care or ultimately our bossy mom. We raised chickens, goats, rabbits, and cattle. We also grew a fair share of our own food, like edible leaves, veggies, and tubers, mostly annuals but also perennials. Everybody contributed towards the labor, therefore we hardly ever needed to hire a farmhand. There was no such thing as waste on our homestead. In fact, there is no such thing as organic waste on this planet we call home. Mom boiled the unsold milk and let it cool off. She then added a little buttermilk as culture and kept it overnight for turning the earthen milk pot into a pot of buttermilk. Once she was free from farm chores, she would sit back to churn the curds into little sc...