You Made My Day Dear...

Today is my 38th birth anniversary, to be more careful with the language as my resolution for the new year was to. I'm feeling overwhelmingly happy after an outpouring of good wishes that started yesterday already, one of the well-wishers being my beloved director at my erstwhile training college. I had never thought he cared that much about me.

 I stayed up late last night talking to a terrific friend of mine. You know, I overslept as a result of that and missed my breakfast, yet I went to work with a heart filled to the brim.
          I tend to lie awake cuddled up in my comforter before I really get up in the morning. There was a toddler crying in a nearby apartment. I can't stand kids' crying and was wondering why her parents were just letting her cry. Why couldn't they hug and kiss her to console her? As she continued, I imagined walking up to her and hugging her, kissing her on the head, calling my Aishumol to mind. To my great surprise, the toddler immediately stopped crying. I pricked my ears and listened carefully, but not a sound was heard from her again.
       Musing over it and in haste, I left for my office on an empty stomach. However, it turned out to be fortuitous. I am a huge fan of breakfast - the bigger, the better, since that way I won't have to bother about lunch or dinner. As I got to work, my colleague Mazhar from Bangladesh had a surprise in store for me. He presented me with a slice of pizza which  Bhabhi had made. I promptly wolfed it down. It was a veritable feast, far better than a birthday cake. What more could I ask for my birthday?


  1. Great!! Dear, I would have given all the slices if I knew ...


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